Innovative Technology to Protect Sensitive Equipment

We understand the challenges of fitting gaseous fire suppression systems into areas housing sensitive equipment and where continuity is a critical factor to the smooth running of a vessel. With the need to protect such assets, a reliable solution is required. Our response is twofold: time-proven agents that leave no residue and are safe for the protected equipment. Our systems may help reduce footprint, complexity, and the size of the pipe network. In short, our technology expands system flexibility, enabling engineers to accommodate gaseous fire suppression systems in a less obtrusive way while addressing the specific requirements of a protected area.

Fast Acting

Designed to extinguish fires rapidly.

Flexible Design Options

Customised systems to meet specific requirements.

Leaves No Residue

Perfect to protect sensitive equipment and materials.


We offer a wide range of fire detection products from our broad portfolio of brands to meet specific customer needs globally.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements with one of our specialists